Colonia Bombal. Rural area where Ben is working now.
So our bikes are broken, but not to worry, we have some members that know exactly what to do. They took our wheels to get them fixed and we should have them up and going by tomorrow.
As for what happened this week. We had an incredible lesson with Elias yesterday. It was such an incredible experience. I`ll try to set it up a bit. So Elder Boyd and I had one of those days. Nearly everything we had planned fell through and Luis and Estella got cold feet and have started avoiding us. We were laughing our heads off because it was so obvious that Satan was out and working hard to get them to not want to go forward with the lessons. I know it will work out, we`ll just keep working hard having a good attitude and being obedient and things will turn out. The Lord is in charge! Anyway, so we were walking back to our pench when we run into Elias randomly (definitely not random). He tells us that he`s been studying and everything and gave us some hours when he was available. That was such a blessing from the Lord. We had a great lesson with him yesterday. I now have a stronger testimony of the importance of prophets and the Book of Mormon. The Bible alone is so confusing. There are scriptures that contradict each other and I was so lost when Elias was showing us some scriptures in the Bible. Modern day prophets and the Book of Mormon keep things running how they should, it`s pretty incredible! Elias still feels that he needs to get baptized and after Elder Boyd and I sang a hymn and talked a little bit the Spirit was very strong. We were going to put a baptismal date with him but there was someone coming to the house and we got rushed out. It will happen soon, he is so incredible!
Maria came to church this Sunday to sacrament meeting with her 3 kids and Gino, her husband wanted so bad to come, but the patron (their boss) said he had to work in the fields on Sunday Morning. Satan at work. But he wants to come and that is incredible! We want to go work in the fields with him so he can come this Sunday! The way the thing with the fields works is that the family lives on the land and takes care of what is growing on the land. Their payment is roughly a place to live and about 30 percent of the income of the harvest...if that. It makes life pretty difficult because when their patron says work...they kind of have to work if they want somewhere to live. Please pray for them.
The Spanish is coming along, I found out I am leaving Colonia Bombal in about 2 and a half weeks, so there is that much time to make miracles happen here in Colonia Bombal. I love you all!! Until next week.
Elder Hoglund